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In the Spotlight - Gravitas

Welcome to In The Spotlight, 一系列十大网博靠谱平台数字采访其成员,以阐明他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术行业的工作.

In this edition, we have the pleasure of speaking with Gravitas’ Principal Recruitment Consultant, Charlie Moore.

What does your organisation do?

We are Gravitas, 一家致力于为科技专业人士和企业提供专业招聘服务的招聘公司, in Manchester and across our 8 other offices.  

我们专注于建立合作伙伴关系,并深入了解当地的技术社区, working in accordance with our values of Respect, Integrity, Passion and Excellence.


提供高质量的专业服务帮助我们成为英国领先的招聘公司之一, not self-proclaimed, but demonstrated by our numerous accolades, which include Best Specialist Recruitment Company.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

从招聘的角度来看,科技行业的技能短缺问题正在持续加剧. 自2019冠状病毒病以来,数字化转型加速了,我们看到西北部和全英国的公司都在争夺同样的人才.  这种需求的增长,加上技能的缺乏,推高了工资和工资水平. 

解决技能短缺的一个方法是鼓励更多的人通过教育或转行进入这个行业. As a recruitment company, 我们花时间与当地大学/学院合作,为学生/毕业生提供技术职业方面的建议,并定期举办社交活动, 与会者在哪里可以听到业内成功人士的演讲. 

In addition to the skills shortage, another challenge for the tech industry is improving diversity amongst candidates. 这是许多组织正在解决的问题,它需要我们所有人的协调和共同努力来解决它.  我们花时间与客户合作,咨询他们所招聘的人员/技能类型, 确保工作规范和面试流程具有包容性和公平性,并建立各种不同的人才社区.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?


在2020/21年,我们成功地克服了全球大流行病的巨大挑战. 尽管2019冠状病毒病对招聘行业的许多人造成了影响,但我们仍在继续增长, moving into new bigger offices in Manchester and extending our presence globally. We were awarded our second Princess Royal Training award, in the midst of a pandemic and, in 2021, 我们再次进入了招聘人员快速50强名单,并赢得了全球招聘人员最佳中型招聘公司, the judges praising our resilience during COVID-19.

Lastly, since our Manchester office opened, we have worked with 494 clients to recruit for vacancies and assisted 2,193 candidates in finding a new position.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

Like most organisations, Gravitas正在努力克服与我们合作的客户和我们自己的人才短缺. 我们致力于创造一个包容的环境,让我们的员工能够成长,并最大限度地发挥自己的职业潜力. With regards to working with our clients, we consult regularly on different ways to attract, select and retain talent in a competitive market.

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?

We believe the future of the tech scene in Manchester is bright! 我们看到越来越多的公司继续在十大网博靠谱平台创业,或者从英国乃至全球的其他地方扩张.  Whilst business continues to grow in Manchester, 我们看到对住宅的健康投资,试图使其成为一个负担得起的居住和工作场所.

很高兴看到十大网博靠谱平台学院今年新校区的开放,以及学院和当地企业之间的合作,以确保年轻人为数字行业做好准备.  这和其他地方举措将有助于克服人才短缺的挑战,并为当地社区提供更好的职业前景.

Also, 有一个像十大网博靠谱平台数字这样的社区,把每个人都带到这个领域,对所有相关组织都是一个巨大的好处. 我们还没有在其他有办事处的地方遇到过这样的社区.

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

Not only are we a leading technology recruiter, we also fully believe in technology and the power of what it can deliver. 我们正在投资于我们自己的IT和业务系统团队,该团队现在由我们的总经理直接领导.

Thank you Charlie

To find out more about Gravitas, click here.

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BI / SQL Developer

技术招聘:Gravitas Technology RecruitmentWe是一家专注于为技术专业人士和企业提供专业招聘服务的公司, in Manchester and across our 8 other offices. 我们专注于建立合作伙伴关系,并深入了解当地的技术社区, working in accordance with our values of Respect, Integrity, Passion and Excellence.这种方法使我们能够专注于合作和共同努力,从而帮助您实现卓越并发挥您的潜力.提供高质量的专业服务帮助我们成为英国领先的招聘公司之一, not self-proclaimed, but demonstrated by our numerous and accolades, which include Best Specialist Recruitment Company. 技术招聘服务我们提供长期和合同招聘服务,在专门的团队中工作,涵盖专业领域,如数据, Dynamics 365, Development, DevOps, Change & Transformation, Digital and Cybersecurity. 我们还有一个非常完善的公共部门,以满足在该部门工作的人员的独特技术需求, our specialist teams focusing on sectors such as Housing, NHS, Education etcIf you're looking for a permanent career change, a new contract assignment or talent for your business, we will seek to fully understand your needs, provide advice and consultancy and deliver the best outcome for you.  Technology Events. add value, 我们提供各种活动计划,重点是知识共享和促进联系.   Events are a mix of in-person and online and include networking, C-suite roundtables, expert presentations and panel discussions. 最近的活动包括:网络安全:谁准备发布WinsD365 ?让我们来看看Wave (y) 2.0HESA Data Futures - What do we do now?每月一次的商业女性圆桌会议dataden每季度一次的数据领导者聚会DevOps云网络小组的负责人

Gravitas Recruitment Group

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