
What's coming up at Manchester的数字 at a glance | May 2023

最新更新| 2023年5月

即将到来的 事件

会员大会: "FutureVision 十大网博靠谱平台 - 描绘一条通往更美好明天的道路". 日期:6月22日.

2023年6月22日星期四| 13:00 - 17:00 | 1号圆环广场, 3交响乐公园, 牛津大学路, 十大网博靠谱平台, M1 7fs | 预订机票.

The Manchester的数字 members conference returns next month to bring you some of the most cutting edge insights into to innovation, 本地区面临的挑战和最佳做法. 

过去12个月, since the last conference has been awash with exciting developments that is shaping our lives, 我们很荣幸能接待数位领袖, 描绘一条通往更美好明天的道路. 

Talks with also be followed by an evening of food and drink for members to connect. 票价仅为每人15英镑,包括: 

  • Your choice of drink (glass of beer, wine, prosecco, a single spirit and mixer or a soft drink)
  • 还有咖喱饭自助餐.


首席技术官活动 & 创始人: MD Tech Leader Talks: In conversation with Phil Haslam, CTO at TalkTalk.

Manchester的数字's Tech Leader Talks offers the opportunity for senior leaders in large-scale digital and tech businesses here in the North West to come together to network, 分享最佳实践,结交新朋友.

For our next event, we'll be joined by Phil Haslam, Chief Technology Officer at TalkTalk.

本次活动将以午餐形式举行, 包括为与会者准备的简单午餐, 一个主题演讲和一个问题&与菲尔的会面.



Manchester的数字 invites you to join us for our next Fintech Conference, 会在2023年9月21日星期四举行吗.


Emerging Tech Week- Conference Day tickets are now available

Manchester的数字 invites you to join us for our next Emerging Tech Conference, 哪一场会在2023年12月7日星期四举行.



电子礼物 ... 加速你的科技事业

与hackajob合作 & GlobalLogic. 一个下午的谈话,研讨会 & 面向科技行业早期女性的社交网络. 六月一日. 

无论你是毕业生, 职业生涯的改变, 上球者或回球者, this event promises to provide exclusive insight into how to kick-start or progress your career journey in the world of tech and digital.

准备好学习并受到启发, whilst taking away practical advice and guidance from real-life industry role models.


数字她 数字化增长的领导力. 适用于领导者和高级管理人员. 


Our leadership cohort program is spread across two full in-person days on the 6th-7th June. Our course is designed to provide women with the tools and resources they need to excel in their careers. We believe that by providing a supportive and empowering environment, women can achieve their full potential and make a meaningful impact in their organisations.

Over the course of the full two day sessions, we will look at:

  • Understand the skills required of a leader and manager through a time of digital transformation
  • 批评他们自己的领导和管理风格
  • Check the levels of Emotional Intelligence in their team and improve ways in which your staff engage with each other
  • Reflect upon the management challenges of remote and hybrid working
  • Prepare themselves for strategic and commercial challenges of senior leadership/management in their organisation



Startup Hub - Raise your profile to startups on our startup hub.

Startup中心现在是活动的! 点击这里查看.

A members' area for connecting businesses of all sizes with startups. 

我们正在寻找那些可以为创业公司提供支持的人. Whether you're a solo consultant or part of a larger organisation, we'd like to ensure your brand and services are discovered on the Startup Hub. 



大新闻. 更大的庆祝活动! 

一个好消息! We are looking for more good news shared on the member Digest at the end of the month. 

We're excited to hear good news from our members, and we'd like to 在我们的月度文摘中介绍他们. 当我们反思当年的事件时 past month, we want to highlight positive stories and celebrate 成就. 如果你有任何好消息要分享,请提交 我们将把它纳入我们的下一期文摘.



澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 our 2-day project management course to learn practical skills and knowledge to apply in your role. 获得基本的计划技能, 执行, 控制, 沟通, 管理预算, 降低风险, 并有效地监控进度. Don't miss this opportunity to accelerate your career growth!


Cohort 10 (Virtual) 1x 30 minute Induction 28/06/2023 (12:30-13:00)                              
2 x Sessions - 19/07/2023; 20/07/2023

Cohort 11 (Virtual) 1x 30 minute Induction 28/06/2023 (12:30-13:00)                                
2 x Sessions - 29/08/2023; 30/08/2023



你们正在招聘以下职位吗? 如果是这样的话, we've recently created pages on the website dedicated to sharing valuable information to job seekers such as current vacancies, businesses hiring and specific content to help them in their role.





We work in partnership with government and local authorities to provide skills training and bootcamps. 


  • 我们最近澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了 科技人才约章
  • Manchester的数字 work hard to represent your interests to regional and national government. We sit on the national Digital Skills Council where we are working to improve the take up of apprenticeship and make them work better for business and learners. We are also contributing to a national report on how to support regional tech ecosystems and make sure that our members can continue to grow and develop their businesses. 



